How to be Healthy at Christmas

As Christmas approaches it can become more difficult to maintain a healthy way of life – even for someone like me who’s whole life revolves around healthy eating and maintaining as healthy a lifestyle as possible.  The temptations are endless and everywhere.  From the glossy magazines to supermarket displays, office offerings, Christmas parties and family […]

Dehydration and its effects

We are 75% water.  Even a small drop of 1-2% in hydration levels can lead to changes in how we function.  A common situation many of us experience is long term chronic dehydration.  This is where a person’s hydration level is consistently a small amount below the ideal.  This can lead to a blunting of […]

What is a Healthy Diet?

When people find out I’m a Nutritional Therapist they often tell me that they eat a healthy diet.  But what does that mean?  I have my own understanding of healthy diet and it may not match with someone else’s definition.  To some it may mean they eat as the Government recommends, that they use artificial […]